With the current situation many people are self isolating or in quarantine but might be feeling well enough to read a book or two, but where to get books if you can’t go out? Particularly if you want to keep supporting an independent bookshop and don’t have an e-reader (or just like paper books sometimes). Inspired by the author Tasha Suri who put together a crowd sourced list on twitter, here are a few links to places where you can order books online or by phone (inclusion in this list is not necessarily endorsement).
There is also a link to some free stories at the bottom of the page!
If you want to buy directly from smaller Independent Publishers then do check out this article.
There is a list of London bookshops in this article by the Evening Standard.
Gay’s the Word
They are working on their website http://www.gaystheword.co.uk/ but in the meantime you can email them sales@gaystheword.co.uk
Round Table Books
Order via their website https://www.roundtablebooks.co.uk/
The Second Shelf
Order via email info@thesecondshelf.com details on their website https://thesecondshelf.com/
Persephone Books
Order via their website http://www.persephonebooks.co.uk/
The Alligator‘s Mouth
Order via their website https://www.thealligatorsmouth.co.uk/
Newham Books
Taking orders via phone 020 8552 9993 and email info@newhambooks.co.uk website https://www.newhambooks.co.uk/
Goldsboro Books
Order via their website https://www.goldsborobooks.com/
Kirkdale Bookshop
Order via phone 020 8778 4701 email mail@kirkdalebookshop.com or via their website https://kirkdalebookshop.com/
Treadwells Bookshop
Order via their website https://www.treadwells-london.com/
Henry Sotheran Ltd
Order via their Website https://sotherans.co.uk/
Middlesex/Greater London
Brooks Pinner
Order via their website https://www.brookspinner.com/
Books on The Hill
Order by phone 01275 873647 or email info@booksonthehill.co.uk or order via their website https://www.booksonthehill.co.uk/
Dogberry & Finch Books
Order by phone 01837 657563 or email info@dogberryandfinch.co.uk , their website https://www.dogberryandfinch.co.uk
The Book Hive
Order via their website https://www.thebookhive.co.uk/
Richard Booth‘s Books
Taking orders via email books@boothbooks.co.uk or phone 01497 820322 their website http://boothbooks.co.uk/
Scarthin Books
Taking order via phone 01629 823272 or email nickscarthin@gmail.com more details on their website http://www.scarthinbooks.com/
Portal Bookshop
Are taking order via email portalbookshop@gmail.com website details http://portalbookshop.com/
Imagined Things Bookshop
Order via their website https://imaginedthings.co.uk/
Order from their website http://paramountbooks.co.uk/
Chapter One
Order from their website https://www.chapteronebooks.co.uk/
Category is books
They are taking order by email categoryisbooks@gmail.com more details on their website https://www.categoryisbooks.com/
The Portabello Bookshop
Are taking orders from their contact page while they work on an online shop https://www.theportobellobookshop.com/
Order via their website https://www.lighthousebookshop.com/
Golden Hare Books
Order via their website https://goldenharebooks.com
Typewronger Books
Order via email info@typewronger.com details on their website http://www.typewronger.com/
National, online or multiple locations
Order via their website https://www.foyles.co.uk
Forbidden Planet
books and comics https://forbiddenplanet.com/
Toppings & Company Booksellers
Order via their website https://www.toppingbooks.co.uk
Bert’s Books
Online specialist https://bertsbooks.co.uk/
Online bookstore https://wordery.com
World of Books
Online book shop https://www.worldofbooks.com/en-gb
The Great British Bookshop
Online Bookshop https://www.thegreatbritishbookshop.co.uk/
Secondhand Books https://www.abebooks.co.uk/UsedBooks.shtml
Also supporting local bookshops https://www.hive.co.uk/
Big Green Bookshop
Online Bookshop http://biggreenbookshop.com/
New Releases
The British Fantasy Society are putting members new releases on their event calendar in the absence of physical events: http://www.britishfantasysociety.org/events/
Free Stuff!
The British Science Fiction Association has collated links to free stories that well known authors are putting online : https://bsfa.co.uk/reaching-out-some-opportunities-to-read-watch-listen/
If you have any shops or resources to add, do comment below or drop us a line.